Customer Service is Fluid in Character
The expectations of customer service are the same, regardless of what else is going on. Customers expect businesses to deliver on their promises and even go on to exceed them irrespective of whether it is an extremely busy period or not. In spite of it being consistent in importance, it is however fluid in character. Businesses therefore should not be found wanting at all when it comes to delivering awesome service – irrespective of the circumstances they find themselves in – because they can always modify their approach to suit the situation.
So how do we ensure that as businesses we maintain that fluidity in our customer service delivery?
1. Constant feedback is an important way of finding opportunities to connect better with your customers.
2. Make available more opportunities to contact you. At least there should be more than one channel through which your clients can contact you. This affords them the convenience they
need to have a better experience with your business.
3. Accuracy in your dealings with your customers tells them that you are honest, and this elicits trust.
4. Assure your customers that ‘now matters’ by eliminating delays in all communication.
5. Creativity is key. Once you know what your customers expect (from the feedback), think about new and interesting ways to connect and engage with them better.