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Engaging Effectively With Your Twitter Followers

So you have encouraged your customers, clients and donors to follow you on Twitter..…now they do. You have reached out to suppliers and contractors to follow you… they do.  Prospective clients, customers and donors are following you too…… what? The simple answer is now you ENGAGE with them. It is not enough to keep posting your content incessantly without reaching out to connect with the very people you are posting to.  


So how can you effectively ‘spread the love’ by engaging with your followers so they keep following you, share your content, buy from you (or donate to your charity) and ultimately refer you to others?


By following this 5 Step T-W-E-E-T guide:


1. Tweet often. The Twitter stream moves very fast so not all of your followers will see your content the first time. You will need to tweet consistently, but do not bombard your followers. Schedule your tweets with at least an hour’s interval between them, and do not be afraid to repeat some tweets as this ensures that more people will have an opportunity to see them.

2. Welcome and assist. – Warmly welcome new followers with a shout-out. Also, be ready to assist your customers when they reach out to you with problems about your service or products, and state your customer service hours of operation in your profile. It’s important to respond to customer concerns in a timely manner.  


 3. Engage. Connecting with your followers is a two way street; you need to reach out to them so that they can also return the favour. Ask and answer questions, craft your tweets with the intention of eliciting some kind of response and make sure your content stands out. Also ask for retweets, share some tips, ask how they are doing, wish them a good week or even ask about an event they have mentioned on their timeline. Always respond to everyone who reaches out to you.


4. Encourage and motivate. People desire to connect with others on a deeper level. A great way to do that is to encourage and celebrate them. Read the timelines of some of your followers and take note of milestones, achievements, and challenges. Tweet short messages to them to congratulate, commiserate or motivate them depending on the circumstances. You can also promote your followers by retweeting their content; especially your most engaged followers.  


5. Thank them. It’s just good manners. Mutual appreciation is very powerful in bringing people together so always thank your followers for following your account, retweeting your posts and sharing your pictures, posters and videos. Do not forget to acknowledge and credit the people whose articles you share as well.  


"Customer service is just a day in, day out ongoing, never ending, unremitting, persevering, compassionate, type of activity." - Leon Gorman

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